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may and august中文是什么意思

用"may and august"造句"may and august"怎么读"may and august" in a sentence


  • 五月八月


  • Between may and august is the breeding season for crabs
  • In december of 1937 , the two young girls , may and august , lived blissfully with her parents in nanjing
  • Later , the japanese invaders took full control of the city and may s uncle was arrested and executed . since then , may and august must learn to be strong to face all the upcoming challenges
  • " an internal audit and an industry briefing were also completed in may and august 2000 respectively , the result of which indicated that our preparation for the audit was satisfactory , " the spokesman said
  • In england and wales there are six bank holidays : new year ' s day , easter monday , may day ( not necessarily 1 may ) , spring and late summer holidays at the end of may and august respectively , and boxing day
    英格兰和威尔士有6个银行假日:新年,复活节星期一,劳动节(不一定是5月1日) ,五月底的春假,八月底的夏假,圣诞节和圣诞节次日等。
  • In northern ireland there are seven bank holidays : new year ' s day , st patrick ' s day ( 17 march ) , easter monday , may day ( not necessarily 1 may ) , spring and late summer holidays at the end of may and august respectively , and boxing day
    北爱尔兰有七个银行假日:新年,圣派趣克节( 3月17日) ,复活节后的星期一,劳动节(不一定是5月1日) ,五月底的春假和八月的夏假,圣诞节次日等。
  • Between may and august , 212 hkbu students participating in the metropolitan attachment programme ( map ) are setting out for seven - week internships in sydney and melbourne in australia ; atlanta , chicago , omaha and florida in the us ; beijing , shanghai and the pearl river delta region in the mainland ; and , for the first time , london in the uk
用"may and august"造句  
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